Monday, September 13, 2010

Fashion and the Real World

Now and days we are all struggling to pay rent, have enough for food and paying bills. Some of us are working minimum wage jobs working hard for money that is barely enough. Most of us are in debt to credit cards and loans. We want an education but for some of us it’s hard to pay for all that entails with an education, like books etc. Now with all these aspects of life coming at you it’s hard for the average person to afford fashionable clothing right?....Wrong!

Forget about what magazines and pop culture are telling you! You don’t need a Chanel dress, a Louis Vuitton bag, and Rock and Republic jeans to be at the top of your game, although it wouldn't hurt. All you need is simple… a sense for fashion and what works for you.

The light at the end of the tunnel for me has always been thrift stores. I once found an Isaac Mizrahi dress in a local thrift store, proving anything is possible in a thrift store! A thrift store is like digging for buried treasure, it may be last season’s buried treasure, however it is a well known fact that fashion always repeats itself. Every time I find that cute blouse or dress I’ve been searching for it always feels so much better buying it because I worked to find it.

What also works for me is getting a picture of an outfit from a magazine and recreating the look using thrift store clothing. You’d be surprised of what you could come up with!

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